Mosaico features, powered by you
Mosaico is an evolving project.
Everyday we receive suggestions for new features and tweaks by the users.
All these suggestions are evaluated and many of them are implemented and made available to everybody.
Mosaico is an evolving project.
Everyday we receive suggestions for new features and tweaks by the users.
All these suggestions are evaluated and many of them are implemented and made available to everybody.
Set position and size of any window by simply dragging it. A proposed new window position will be displayed onscreen. Release the window and it’ll fit there.
Automatically arrange all running windows with a single button. A smart algorithm will determine their position and size so that they cover all screen space.
Save the position and size of all open windows to create a snapshot. You can restore this snapshot later. All windows will run and restore to their saved position.
Save up to 8 snapshots to better organize your desktop into activity-oriented layouts. You can access any snapshot via graphical interface or a keyboard shortcut.
Mosaico really shines if you have a multi-monitor computer. You can add/remove a display (i.e. a projector, a laptop external monitor etc.) on the fly, change resolution, change Windows taskbar position, cycle windows through monitors and so on. Mosaico will adapt on the fly.
Mosaico user interface can be automatically reduced to a tab docked to nearest screen edge. You can change this behaviour in the options.
You can move current window to any screen direction (up, down, left, right, up-left etc.) by pressing an arrow button on Mosaico’s J-Pad. You can also send current window to the next monitor and it will automatically adapt to new screen resolution.
All captured snapshots are automatically saved and made available when Windows restarts. No manual saving is needed as everything is done in background.
Mosaico supports global shortcuts for every major command. For example press CTRL+ALT+NUMPAD keys to move current active window, or CTRL+ALT+SPACE to capture a snapshot.
You can edit and remove any window entry saved in a snapshot. You can sort windows based on their name or “activeness”. You can select multiple windows and operate on them in batch. You can also rename a snapshot and change its position in snapshots list.
You can set Mosaico to automatically run at Windows startup. This is useful if you want to “set and forget” it.
Saved snapshots are shown as a screenshot of the monitors taken at capture time, in a 3D pictureflow view. This shows immediately which snapshot is currently active, its position in the list and its name.
Any window entry in a snapshot can be set as active or inactive. Inactive windows are simply ignored by Mosaico. Active windows are launched if not running, moved and resized. Use this feature if you want to restore only a subset of saved windows. By default only visible windows are set as active, to help speed up restoring. But you can change this behaviour in the settings.
Mosaico can be set to stay always on top of other windows. You can also set its transparency so that even if it is not active, you can see the window underneath.
When capturing a snapshot Mosaico also captures the command line arguments of all saved windows. You can edit this text if you want, for example, to open a given file when the snapshot is restored.
You can minimize Mosaico to system tray. When minimized you can use Mosaico via keyboard shortcuts or by using its Drag&Go manual arrangement feature.
You can easily import and export snapshots and settings files. This is useful if you use Mosaico on more than one computer and want to share the same configuration, or if you want to set the same configuration for all the computers in a lab or an office.
The folder where snapshots and settings are saved can be customized by the user. This is useful for example if you are on an Active Directory network and want users to share their settings on each machine they use Mosaico on. Just set the settings folder to be “C:Users
A quick guide appears the first time you install Mosaico. It covers the basics and can be learnt in minutes. You can show it anytime from the settings panel.
You can fine tune the actions taken when a snapshot is restored. For example you can choose to minimize or ignore “old” windows.
Mosaico has over 60 predefined layouts to position a window. You can choose only the ones you actually use, to avoid cluttering the screen. You can even choose different layouts for Drag&Go and keyboard shortcuts.